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Volume 4 Number 1 January 2018

Reproductive Health of a Woman in Srinagar City: Parameters & Implications

Authors: Dr. Humera Yaqoob
Pages: 1-8
The paper tries to highlight the importance of a woman’s health, especially in her reproductive years, as the health of the whole nation and its development is largely dependent on the same. The paper also points out towards different parameters of a woman’s reproductive health and the possibilities of improving upon them. The women’s health and the health of the progeny and consequently the health of the society and the nation should be seen as the corollary of the family planning strategies and the ante-natal care given to a woman of that place. It has been authenticated by a study carried out in Srinagar city, in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. The levels of sensitization towards the issue were found quite good and so was the scope of improvisations for the same.